Managing your workload can feel overwhelming, especially as midterms, group projects and other major assignments begin to pile up. Many say college should be the best four years of your life, but it can be hard to enjoy the experience when it feels like there’s a new deadline almost every day. Finding the perfect work-life balance isn’t just about working harder—it’s about working smarter. Here are three ways to help you get ahead of your workload while reducing stress:
Start making to-do lists and agendas.
One of the main reasons students fall behind is losing track of assignments, deadlines and other responsibilities. If you haven’t tried it yet, starting an agenda or to-do list is a simple yet effective way to ensure you know when any and every task is approaching and how to prepare. It also can give you a sense of accomplishment whenever you have finished an assignment and get to check off the task.
Try setting deadlines ahead of the real ones.
College students are notoriously known for procrastinating, and it makes sense why. With so much to do in so little time, it can be hard not to let assignments grow into an overwhelming heap. One way to help prevent this is tricking yourself into thinking assignments are due before they are. For example, if you have three assignments all due on or around the same day, spread out the assignments in your agenda as if they are a week apart each. By treating these new deadlines as seriously as real ones, you’ll slowly start to feel more in control of your workload.
Reward yourself–you deserve it.
While checking off tasks in an agenda or to-do list can feel like a small reward, allowing yourself to partake in certain things you enjoy until after finishing an assignment can help increase motivation. Whether it’s watching a little bit of your current TV show, going on your favorite walk, enjoying your favorite snack or anything else you love to do on a regular occasion, you’ll be much more likely to stay productive when it results in something you view as fun.
Juggling assignments, midterms and deadlines can be stressful, but when you find the right strategies, your schedule can suddenly become manageable again. The path to success looks different for everyone, so it’s important to try different methods when falling behind to see what works best.