It is hard to believe that half of the first semester has already passed. We’ve made many memories, adjusted to a new school year, and welcomed in the fall season. However, halfway through the semester signifies one very dreadful thing: midterms. With midterm season quickly creeping up into everyone’s radar, here are a few studying tips and techniques that could definitely help you ace your exams.
While everyone has their own unique way of retaining information, one that never fails is repetition. When you’re studying just rereading your notes won’t do you much good if it goes in one ear and out the other. For better retention, it is best to rewrite important pieces of your notes. A lot of times when you rewrite something before an exam, you’ll remember your hand movements and what you wrote down. Making study guides with condensed information is also very helpful. When your mind can see all of the information in one place, it will make it easier for you to study.
When midterms are coming up, you may feel it is necessary to study continuously and stay in the library until it closes. However, the body and mind need breaks. It is imperative that you don’t get too stressed or stare at your notes for hours on end because a lot of times a fresh pair of eyes and a clear mind will allow you to study better. It’s a good idea to take breaks sometimes in order to prevent a burnout.
Additionally, another tip that can help you ace your midterms is to remember that each subject is different and needs to be handled differently when it comes to studying it. When it comes to math, practicing problems again and again is what will help, but with history it is important to study your facts. Also, you always want to make sure you mix up how you study. You may get tired of your own handwriting, so have a friend quiz you for your midterms to test your knowledge.
Study tips aren’t the most important thing to acing your midterms. You want to have a change of scenery whenever you can, do not skip out on your sleep, and stay healthy with your eating habits. Midterms can be a stressful time, but remember you are not alone. A lot of times when you are stressed it can actually cloud your mind and lead to you do worse on your exams. It is easier said than done, but trust in the fact that you studied and you know the information. The library from Oct 23 to Oct 26 will be open until two A.M. so you’ll have a nice quiet place to study. Good luck to all University students this midterm season!