After a popular debut in Croatia, the museum expanded internationally with installations in Malaysia, Oman, and Serbia. The event site has planned to expand even further with exhibits in Canada, Georgia, and Kansas City coming soon.
With a written description under each illusion, the educational component of the museum is what sets it apart from other trendy attractions. Optical illusions are created when an image uses photo compositional elements, such as colors and patterns, to trick audience’s minds. In turn, the mind sees an alternate version of the actual image. The eye retrieves the information from the illusion which is then processed by the brain. It’s easy to place the blame on one’s eyes but in actuality, the visual areas in the brain are being deceived into creating a distorted perception of the image.
“We aim to pause and bend reality,” said Renne Gjoni, CEO of the Museum of Illusions in New York City. “This museum is a place for people to forget about reality. We are a reality-bending establishment.”
The museum dares visitors to “experience the impossible.” The self-guided tour allows viewers to play and physically interact with the illusions. The “Dilemma” games aim to leave the brain working overtime. These games have audiences completely focused on solving, what feels like, the impossible. Museum-goers can take these challenging nuggets home by purchasing them in the merchandise store.

Dive into the photo illusions with Instagram ready rooms such as, “Rotated Room,” “Head on the Platter Room,” and “Infinity Room.” The “Rotated Room” allows visitors to defy gravity once the image taken in the room is rotated. In this feature, audiences can choose how they want to defy gravity, challenge size, and bend the laws of physics. Every pose in the room will showcase guest’s spider-man abilities.
The “Head on the Platter Room” is another notable head-turning creation. This room takes the famous quote literally as it makes visitors not a snack but the main course. With a sneaky opening on the side of the room, guests can enter into a box and pop their heads up, making the rest of their bodies disappear. This room is fitting for the upcoming Halloween season.
Put all your best angles on display in the “Infinity” room. This room appears to be a series of never-ending mirrors. With perfect lighting and the right angle, the room creates ever lasting images in the perfect light.

The staff witnessed the anticipation of the museum’s launch on opening day with long queues. Even with so many other art installations in the city, the staff sees this museum as one of a kind. “People should come because it’s educational, interactive, and fun,” said Jasmine, Museum of Illusions employee.
University students are ready to experience the puzzling establishment. “I would want to see the paintings or drawings that will make my mind and eyes trip,” said Alex Tenorio, University sophomore. While others are ready for the educational component. “I would love to see illusions throughout the years and how far we have evolved doing them,” said University sophomore, Devante Cooks. “I feel like the Museum of Illusions would trick me at every corner!”
Can you trust your mind? Go see it to believe it at the Museum of Illusions located at 77 Eighth Avenue. The museum is open every day from 9 am-10 pm. Tickets are priced at 17 dollars per student.