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A student-operated monthly newspaper run out of Pace University's New York City campus.

The Pace Press

A student-operated monthly newspaper run out of Pace University's New York City campus.

The Pace Press

A student-operated monthly newspaper run out of Pace University's New York City campus.

The Pace Press

Josh Ilano

Josh Ilano, Arts Editor

Josh Ilano is a junior majoring in Economics with a minor in English. This is Josh’s third year with The Pace Press. Joining in the fall of 2022, they assumed a staff writer position predominantly writing for the Arts and Opinion Sections of the paper, as well as assisting with the InDesign Production team as the Photoshop designer. When not writing for the paper, they write auto-fiction and short stories. Often, they’re influenced by British post-punk, the works of Joseph Brodsky and anything James Dean-adjacent. They aspire to become a deep-sea fisherman one day.

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Josh Ilano