Aries: Aries, Sagittarius season is asking you to get out of your usual habits and shake things up. Now is an excellent time to change any routines you haven’t been enjoying recently.
Taurus: This season wants you to deepen your relationships with others, Taurus. If you have connections you think could be taken to the next level, now is the time to take action.
Gemini: As the sun shines in your seventh house of relationships, the stars ask you to rethink your current partnerships. If someone in your life isn’t pulling the weight to stay in your good graces, now might be time to reevaluate their presence, Gemini.
Cancer: Cancer, this season is giving you a boost in productivity! Whether you’ve been wanting to try a workout class, finish the homework you’ve been procrastinating or start a long-term project, now is the time!
Leo: During this time, you may begin to feel more flirtatious as the sun transits your fifth house of romance, Leo. If you have been keeping your eye on someone, embrace this playful energy and see where it leads!
Virgo: Virgo, you have likely been carrying a heavy workload recently, and Sagittarius season is asking you to take a break from this and prioritize yourself and your boundaries in whatever way possible.
Libra: You may begin to feel more extroverted than usual, Libra, as the sun transits through your third house of communication. Now is the best time to host any events that you’ve been wanting to plan!
Scorpio: Luck is in your favor right now, Scorpio. During this time, you may attract more financial opportunities and even get a boost in your bank account. Further, you are more likely to reach your passion projects during this time.
Sagittarius: Welcome to your season, Sagittarius! During this time, you will begin to feel a strong sense of self that will eventually be able to direct you toward your future goals. Be sure to welcome this into your life and any opportunities that may arise.
Capricorn: Capricorn, you are undergoing your 12th house transit, which asks you to slow down and take a break from your typical momentum. If you keep going at this rate, you may burn yourself out so now is a good time to relax.
Aquarius: During this period, Aquarius, you will have many opportunities to grow your social sphere and even make new friends! The season calls on you to create a community within your life and expand on your connections.
Pisces: Pisces, this Sagittarius season asks you to step up to the plate and try to assert yourself into leadership positions. Where you may have been hesitant before, the stars say, “You can handle it, so just try it!”